Thursday, April 30, 2015

An essential reverse journey

All these questions are there already, and we know that no stranger is going to help us. So we ourselves will have find our own solution to these questions and problems, isn't it?”
Solution? well, educate our children and get them out of here."
But sir, somebody has to do farming because food can't be produced in factories, can we?

Yes, definitely. Let other people come and do the farming. Why always the people here should do the farming? When village farmers' children will go to the cities, cities will be loaded. When these cities be overloaded, urban people will have to come to the villages and do the farming. The people out there have never experienced this burden, and that's why nobody cares about farming.”
Mr Gajanan Sorte, principal of a school at Pachod in Wardha district of Maharashtra was telling, “There's an increase in prices of everything, but for 15 years there's no increase in Soybean's rate. What else do you think will be able to change the fortune of farmers, if this is the situation. Do you think, you will be able to change this by shifting from chemical to organic, or doing some other experiments?”
I earn Rs 45000 per month. This salary I get is net profit, without any investment. Now tell me, how much capital would I have to invest and how much risk I would have to take, to get that much of profit from farming? If we feel we have to get the food, then why don't those of us come over here and do the farming? When farming is concerned, why there is 100% reservation just for the farmers' children? Let the others, too, compete here!”
Sorte sir was bombarding me with questions after question and all I was able to do is nod in approval without uttering a word!! I was wondering, I was wondering, was it because I haven't yet become skillful enough at making arguments, and answering back? Or was it because he was right?

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