Tuesday, April 7, 2015

About breaking the “Experts” myth

For a true seeker to seek knowledge, there's no barrier of caste and status, no prohibition!!
'Ordinary' & 'Extra-ordinary', 'Common' and 'Special'… let's eliminate these discrimination!!

Date - 13th March 2015

13 farmers ( 10 women, 3 men ).
  • Education - 12th std to illiterate.
  • Subject - Evolution & agricultural science.
  • Points written on board - chromosomes -23, genes - 38000.
  • Material on floor - photographs & pictures of paddy seeds, cells, DNA, wild cabbage & other varieties of cabbage, genetically modified organisms & two decks of cards.
Sounds confusing? Yes, but THIS was the scenario of a meeting held by “Garib Dongri Sanghatana" in Pune - Maharashtra.

Dhananjay, an expert on evolution, was present at the meeting, and telling Tara bai that the great scientist Einstein once said, “If you can't explain a concept to your grandmother, that means you yourself haven't got the concept.”
What Dhananjay told Tara bai is needed to be told to so called 'scientists', 'experts' and politicians'!
Anyhow we have labeled farmers as stupid, dumb, gawk etc, etc. So when in agricultural workshop, Tara bai asks an expert that (1) if we grow sugarcane instead of paddy, after some years there would be decrease in the quality of soil texture, (2) if we grow genetically modified crops, doesn't it make imbalance in nature? Then it won't be surprising if so called experts silences her by replies such as,“ you'll not understand, this is new technology”, or “Nobody asked such ( stupid ) questions before this. How dare you to doubt us.”
By observing this experience of Tara bai we can clearly see how this arrogant mentality of so called experts affecting in a bad way on policy level . Farmers & consumers are totally excluded in decision making, and in drafting agricultural policy. So called experts, scientists & politicians for their crony interests impose their decisions, policies on common consumers & farmers.
If we want to make change in this situation, the we will have to set free science, knowledge from the clutches of so called scholars and scientists, and make it get to common, ordinary people. And today's meeting with “ Garib Dongri Sanghatana " on evolution and agricultural science is the first step towards making knowledge available to commoner!
If anybody doubts that illiterate farmer woman will never understand scientific terminologies like,'evolution', 'chromosomes', 'genes', 'natural and artificial selection', etc,etc, they should meet Tara bai & Rohini mavashi, who were present at that meeting. It's damn sure that their doubts about illiterate farmers will be cleared up!
In today's meeting, with the help of Dhanajay's technological information and farmers' observations and experiences in their daily life, we discussed on so many subjects such as, (1)how farming came into existence, (2)how our ancestors domesticated wild animals & plants, (3)from single wild cabbage, how so many types of cabbages developed, (4)how from one single variety of paddy i.e. ‘deo bhaat' developed millions of varieties of rice which we have in our daily food...etc etc...
We discussed these technical & scientific subjects as well as social topics such as, (1)what importance this knowledge have in our daily personal and social life, (2)should we conserve this diversity, (3)after genetic modification, does that organism be safe for environment & human beings? In this way we exchanged our ideas and knowledge to each other.
Towards the end of the meeting, everybody gained new and valuable information. On the basis of this technical knowledge, farmers will become more aware and cautious while farming. They'll be able to doubt, to question the agro policy made & imposed by so called intellectual policy makers.
We all decided that this information, this knowledge gained by these 13 farmers should be reached out to their 13 villages. Dhananjay agreed to write a booklet on this subject in easy language to help these farmers spread this knowledge to villagers & other farmers.
We all should take efforts to decentralize this knowledge & make it available to everybody. Exchanging knowledge, information between scholars and ordinary people will empower the people by knowledge itself! Who knows, if this really comes true, tomorrow prime leader of a nation will think hundred times before making statements such as, “Environment is not changing, man is changing,” or “Karna' s birth is the example of genetic science which existed thousands of years back in India!”

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