'Nagpur Seed Festival', which is taking shape with the desire to
break the traditional form of discussions and lectures, and be an
event that is more problem-oriented and connecting the actual
stakeholders, took place at Vinoba Vichar Kendra, Nagpur during 19,
20 and 21st February 2016.
know about Nagpur seed festival since last three years for some or
the other reason. On one hand, the agro-industry giants like Monsanto
are looking forward to take control of our food by monopolizing food
market. Monsanto is looking forward to spread it's arms in India by
initiatives like proposed giant seed hub in Vidarbha region. At the
same time the common people are coming together and trying to build a
people's movement to reiterate their food sovereignty by means of
conservation of local seeds, creating awareness about agro-toxics and
asking for safe food. One of those small efforts is 'Seed Festival'
that is taking place in Nagpur since last four years. This is the
brief summary of the happening in this festival.